It’s Time To Right-size Your Business Investment
Parking Efficiency

It’s Time To Right-size Your Business Investment

Rightsizing in the Parking Industry is achieved when a garage is constructed to the actual right size of what is needed for maximum efficiency.

The camera-based FALCON VISION® Integrated PGS is a tool that completes the rightsizing of a garage.

Consider a mixed-use property that has residential parking, retail parking, business parking, restaurant parking, hotel parking, etc.


By recording, studying and understanding the parking patterns, rather than designating specific parking uses that hold spaces 24/7 for a single purpose, FALCON VISION® PGS indicates current parking space use by designating a corresponding LED sensor light color.

For example, say residential clients park under the Yellow color and load from the top floor down. On any give workday, 50% of those spaces become empty during the workday at the same time that the restaurants (Pink) and businesses (Purple) need maximum parking spaces.

FALCON VISION® PGS will change colors and reduce the residential grouping while expanding the other parking spaces multiple times throughout the day. After gaining historical data, the machine learning system will fine tune this action.

The Result

A 600-space garage now performs like an 800-space garage – and that equates to big bucks!

Consider this, if a parking space cost $15,000 to build in a small market, and one calculates $15,000 x 200 (the extra spaces you no longer need to build) the savings equals $3,000,000.

This, minus the cost for a complete camera-based FALCON VISION® Integrated PGS with lighting system and lighting controls is less than 10% of that 3-million-dollar savings for the ENTIRE 600 space garage!

Meaning, you are at least 9 times more profitable than your 800-space competitors without the FALCON VISION® Integrated PGS before you park car one.

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